“Syria of Your Dreams” Conference Series Have Begun

Yazıcı-dostu sürüm

Azaz Yunus Emre Institute has started a new series of conferences where the young students studying in Turkey or in Syrian Safe Zone start a conversation about their dreams with the slogan of “I have something to say for the future too!”  The first of the conference series titled “Syria of Your Dreams”, in which young people will tell what kind of Syria and world they desire, took place on 9 February 2022.

Azaz Yunus Emre Institute has been striving to erase the traces of war in the region by organizing Turkish language teaching courses, culture and art programs in the Syrian Safe Zone since 17 September 2020, and continues its work with a vision of cultural interaction.  In line with the 2022 culture and arts plan, the theme "LIMIT-LESS" was determined, which is an understanding that eliminates borders in language, culture and art, and it is based on walking towards to the common future by speaking the language of art.

Gufran Elfaris, a student of the Faculty of Theology of Hittite University, was the first guest of the Syria of Your Dreams conference series. Gufran Elfaris fled the Syrian city of Hama and settled in Turkey with his family in 2015 due to the war. He shared with the audience the irreparable negativities in the inner world of the war, the memories he left behind, his dreams that have grown again with Turkey's outstretched hand, and his thoughts on the Syria of the future.


Gufran Elfaris said: “We decided to move to Turkey about 6 years ago. We never thought that we would leave our country, our home before, for we could not stay away from our home even for 2 days. We fled to places we thought would be safer as the bombings intensified and airstrikes increased, but we were also willing to die at home rather than go elsewhere. Every tree, every flower, and every stone tell a different story to us. Perhaps these words might sound exaggerated, but the trees and the flowers of this house grew with us. We decided to immigrate to Turkey after the war become unbearable. Despite all those hardships we had been through because of this immigration, our biggest gain was the safety of our lives

The trauma I experienced prevented me from continuing my university education for many years. Years later, I was able to continue my education that I started in Syria at Hittite University. I want to study international relations as well as the Faculty of Theology. Even though I have two identities like thousands of my brothers and sisters who have suffered the same fate as me, my homeland is one. Coming to Turkey actually took the concept of homeland out of Syria and made me see the two countries as a whole.”


“After the war, do not want the old Syria. A brand-new country will be born, because we are not what we used to be. We only focused on the negative sides of the immigration, but in fact, there are good sides too. By immigrating to different countries of the world, especially Turkey, we met different cultures, learned new languages, and bonded with different people. Therefore, we’ve learned new things every single day. This cumulation of knowledge, cultural gains and technological accumulation will be the foundation of the new Syria. In particular, well-educated people who know the world, are open to freedom and do not break with their own values will form the basis of the new Syria.”


“Let's build such a country that everybody wants to live there. When I return to Syria after everything returns to normal one day, I dream of a Syria that embraces all humanity in the world as Turkey embraced us. The history of the new Syria will be written, but this time it will be written by the very hands of Syrian youth and a brand-new Syria will be born.”


In the last part of the event, Gufran Elfaris answered questions from the audience. “What is the most important issue that draws your attention in social life in Turkey?” Elfaris answered the question as follows:

“Our Turkish brothers and sisters pay great attention to the flag and national values. You can see people standing in silence in the middle of the street during national holidays or the national anthem. Even if people are not included in the event where the anthem is played, they do not fail to respect. We, too, must learn to respect the things we hold sacred by never forgetting that our flag is not easily won. We are the representatives of a freedom struggle that accepts science, technology, art and respect for all cultures as fundamental principles.”

The event ended with the oud performance of Azaz Yunus Emre Institute Limit-less Music Workshop student Yahya Abu Arida and the presentation of gifts.

Syria of Your Dreams Conference series will be held every month until December 2022, and the transcripts will be published in a book in Turkish, Arabic and English at the end of the year.