Ottoman Turkish-Turkish Course Certificate Ceremony Held in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Yazıcı-dostu sürüm

The trainees who successfully completed the online "Ottoman Turkish-Turkish" course organized in cooperation with Yunus Emre Institute and Hayrat Foundation in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, were presented their certificates.


At the certificate ceremony held at the Sarajevo Yunus Emre Institute on December 13, 2022, YEI Sarajevo Coordinator Mehmet Akif Yaman stated that over 50 trainees who completed the course have reached the level of being able to read works of archives and over 20 participants were awarded their certificates.

Hayrat Foundation Bosnia and Herzegovina Officer Ali Bellikli stated that over 500 people participated in the course organized online for the last two years due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

10-year-old trainee Halima Akan said: "My father enrolled in the course. Then Ottoman Turkish started to interest me too. So I continued. I learned to read and I loved it very much."

Halima's twin sister Suhejla Akan, who also speaks Turkish, said: "Ottoman Turkish was not hard to learn.

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